Transceptor ComNav Mariner X2 AIS Clase B con GPS incorporado - Debe programarse [21410004]
Receptor AIS Digital Yacht AIS100 [ZDIGAIS100]
Digital Yacht AIS100 AIS USB Receiver w/QMax Portable Antenna [ZDIGAIS100QMA]
Receptor AIS USB Digital Yacht AIS100 [ZDIGAIS100USB]
Receptor USB Digital Yacht AIS100P Pro AIS [ZDIGAIS100P]
Estación base Digital Yacht AISnet AIS [ZDIGAISNET]
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Digital Yacht iAISTX Plus Class B Wireless NMEA 2000 Transponder [ZDIGIAISTXPL]
Digital Yacht Nomad 2 Portable AIS w/GV30 [ZDIGNMD2]
Furuno Class A AIS Transponder [FA170]
Furuno FA40 AIS Receiver [FA40]
Furuno FA70 AIS Transceiver [FA70]
Transceptor Garmin AIS 800 Blackbox [010-02087-00]
Icom MA-510TR AIS Transponder w/Antenna 4.3" Display [MA510TR 13]
McMurdo M6 Class A AIS [21-100-002A]
Transpondedor McMurdo SmartFind M10 AIS Clase B [21-200-001A]
Receptor AIS McMurdo SmartFind M15 [21-300-001A]
Navico NAIS-500 AIS with NSPL-500 Splitter and GPS Sensor [000-13963-001]
Navico NAIS-500 Class B AIS w/GPS-500 Antenna [000-13609-001]
Raymarine AIS4000 Clase A Transceptor del sistema de identificación automática (AIS) [E70601]
Raymarine AIS5000 Transceptor AIS para primeros respondedores marítimos [E70529]
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